Reception- EYFS Good Level of Development (GLD)
Stourfield Infant School 2023 | BCP 2023 | National Average 2023 |
82% | 70% | 68% |
Children are defined as having reached a Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of the EYFS if they have achieved the expected level for the ELGs in the prime areas of learning and the specific areas of mathematics and literacy.
PLG- Primary Learning Goals
SLG- Specific Learning Goals
RWM- Reading Writing Maths
Year 1- Phonics Screening Check (PSC)
The phonics screening check assesses children on how well they can decode certain words. Decoding means sounding out an unfamiliar written word. To do this, children will need to be able to recognise letters and the sounds that they represent. This is an important part of achieving reading fluency!
Year 2- Key Stage 1 Assessments SATs
For national performance data relating to Stourfield Infant School please see: